Not long until the ABCs of The New Economy – Stir To Action 2024 Festival

We’re counting down now until the Stir to Action Festival next month – have you booked your place yet?

As mentioned in our previous article, we’re thrilled to be sponsoring this important event which will bring together change makers and challengers to participate in practical workshops, inspirational panels, and ideas surgeries – as well as network, connect and have fun.

On Wednesday 10th July, the first day of the two day event, our own Business Development Manager Tim Coomer will host the ‘We’re good for it’: social investment stories session with Keith Cowling from Stokes Croft Community Land Trust (SCCLT) and Margaret Trotter of Four Corners. We can’t wait to share stories from our incredible borrowers with you – join us and get inspired.

Stokes Croft is one of the most independent and iconic areas of Bristol. The Community Land Trust was set up to retain that independence and creativity in the face of increasing gentrification. We were delighted to support SCCLT to make their first purchase of two freehold titles making up one building in the heart of Stokes Croft’s cultural quarter, in November 2023.

Based in London, Four Corners recognises that access to the arts is not equal. Their training projects enable underrepresented people to gain skills in creative media and work with local communities and broader audiences through their cultural programme. We were thrilled to present Four Corners with the Diversity Award at our 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner, back in October.

Book here to join us in Bristol