News Archive

50th Co-op Pub Opens
A rare example of an ungentrified local in the affluent Royal Borough of Windsor has become the 50th co-operative pub in the UK. On 26 June 2017, the Craufurd Arms in Maidenhead, a pub known for its good beer, darts teams, and sports TV, was bought by a community benefit society of 226 members. The […]
Daniel Stanley
Daniel Stanley Currently the Managing Director and co-founder of non-profit creative agency We are Small Axe, building movements for a better world. Partnering with causes like the Green Party, Save the Children and Robin Hood Tax. Daniel has a Masters in Social Psychology of Communication from London School of Economics. Daniel has worked in drug […]
Cath Muller
Cath Muller Cath came to co-operative living and working in the mid-90s via eco-activism, Cornerstone Housing Co-op and the Radical Routes federation of co-ops working for radical social change. She still lives in Cornerstone, working for Footprint Workers’ Co-op and helping found several co-ops as social enterprises, campaigning organisations or community development projects, all with […]
James Alcock
James Alcock James was appointed General Manager at Plunkett in January 2017, and is responsible for the day to day operations of the Foundation. He joined Plunkett in August 2007, and has since established our core advisory service for rural community co-operatives, consisting an advice line, advisory support programmes, events and membership. James is a BA (Hons) and MSc by Research graduate […]

Another co-op pub opens
A charming 200-year-old red brick building on a village green in rural Kent has become the latest co-operative pub in England. On 22 June 2017 The Harrow in Stockbury near Sittingbourne was bought from the brewery by a community benefit society of nearly 150 members. The people of Stockbury moved quickly when they learned last […]

Refurbishing community-run leisure centres
Co-operative & Community Finance is working with other funders to finance refurbishment at two community-managed leisure centres in Kent. Sencio Community Leisure is a community benefit society set up in 2003 to run three leisure centres and a golf course on behalf of Sevenoaks District Council. The transfer from local authority control has allowed access […]

A year of co-op success
On Friday 30 June come along to our presentation of our three campaign focuses this year, and be a part of our AGM at Co-operatives Congress 2017! AGMs and presentations programme Industrial Common Ownership Finance Group & ICOF Community Capital Unity Works, Wakefield 30 June 2017 Location Unity Works is located in the centre […]

The Cow That Changed Its Spots
A village pub in Derbyshire has re-opened after two years of closure, with new facilities and new owners – the local community. The Spotted Cow is now owned by a community benefit society with 225 members from the village of Holbrook and the surrounding area. They raised over £170,000 to finance the purchase, and Co-operative […]

Just Growth keeps growing
Just two weeks after winning the Citi Microentrepreneurship Award for Effective Partnership in recognition of its work with the Just Growth Fund, Co-operative & Community Finance has released another loan under this innovative programme for community-based food and farming projects. Sacred Earth, a community land project that is reclaiming and nurturing a 40-acre site of […]

We are an Access Point
We are helping to roll out a major initiative to support charities and social enterprises to access the investment they need to grow and diversify their income streams. Co-operative & Community Finance is one of just 10 organisations in England to be approved as an Access Point for the two-year, £4m Reach Fund which will […]