SIB Report: Community buildings in England do not meet basic energy efficiency standards

According to a new report from the Social Investment Business (SIB), over 7,300 community buildings in England do not meet basic energy efficiency standards.

7,375 such buildings do not meet a basic Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C, which is often suggested as the minimum required for lettings. Further, 790 have an EPC rating of G – the lowest band available.

SIB says this report reveals, ‘a ticking timebomb’ for the social sector.

We know from our work with community businesses and co-ops that heating community buildings, and keeping them safe and comfortable for health of people and the building itself, is an increasing concern.

Are you part of an organisation which uses, manages or has responsibility for a community building? Would you like to find out how your building performs, and make it better?

There is help available.

The VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme can cover the cost and delivery of an independent energy assessment energy assessments to help identify energy-saving opportunities in your building – check the criteria here and apply by the 20th June.

Then, depending on the outcome of the assessment, organisations may then be eligible to apply for a capital grant to install the recommended energy efficiency measures in their premises. Organisations can apply until 14 August 2024

Alongside this, we are part of a partnership offering the Energy Resilience Fund – a blended loan and grant finance product designed to enable co-operatives, community businesses and social enterprises  in England to retrofit energy generating/saving technology on community owned or managed buildings, with an initial focus on stabilising or reducing energy costs.

With energy efficiency, energy prices and climate change in the minds of so many of us, we know this is a tough time for community buildings and business. Do explore these avenues for help, and even if they don’t fit, do consider talking to us or another support agency for advice.