News Archive

Farmer ownership makes Easter Divine
“I joined Kuapa Kokoo because the policies are very good and it belongs to the farmers. Democracy has its own power – that’s why I wanted to join.” Nare Penten Legal structures might not be the most exciting thing to think about, but as we within the co-operative sector know, they can be used to […]

Save the Date – Networking Lunch and AGM 13th June 2019
Join us in Bristol on the 13th June for a Networking lunch and our AGM at the Triodos Foundation We’ll be welcoming local and national speakers, including from Co-operatives UK and The Bristol Cable, a 2000 member strong media co-operative, shaking up local journalism. We’re proud members of the former and proud supporters of the latter. Power to Change […]

Ways Forward 7
Since my role changed from Development to Investment, I don’t get out so much to meet co-ops without appraising their suitability for a loan. So it was with some pleasure that I got to attend Ways Forward 7 in Manchester recently. Ways Forward was set up about five years ago as a response to the […]

Brexit. Co-operative Principles in an Unprincipled World.
It is ironic now, as we allegedly arrive at the Brexit endgame, as we stand a week away from the official leave date on the 29th March, to think that the EU was originally developed after the Second World War to encourage economic and political co-operation. Political co-operation, there’s something we’ve missed recently this side […]

Building a Co-operative Future
For over 45 years, we have supported hundreds of businesses ranging from small community‑run enterprises to large award‑winning organisations – we sometimes describe this as ‘lending good money to nice people doing good things’. As we were discussing within the team recently, this all pretty much started off as a conversation over someone’s kitchen table, a […]

Another 5 year struggle ends in victory
The people of a small rural village near Haverhill, Suffolk, are today celebrating the community purchase of the local pub, which has been closed for five years. The Three Horseshoes in Helions Bumpstead (population 440) joins the growing number of community-owned pubs. There are now 79 trading in England and Wales and several more getting […]

Tim Reflects on Future Co-ops, two weeks on !
So, how do we make Co-op Deserts Bloom? That was the topic and challenge presented to us at the 2019 Future Co-ops conference we sponsored this year. As Coop News had already reported, the conference this year was designed to be one of ‘active participation’ led by Think Digital, a department of the Central England […]

Your story – someone else’s inspiration?
Over the last 45 years we’ve helped 100’s of co-operatives or member-owned organisations access the funds they needed to grow, develop and progress their ambitions. From circuses to veg boxes, housing co-ops to community pubs, we’re helping people build the communities and services they want and need. Through 2019, we’d love to share stories of how these […]

Proud to be a co-op!
We’re proud to be a co-op and we’re joining members of Co-operatives UK to shout about our co-operative structure, values and principles! At a recent meeting, we got our hands on a copy of this fabulous poster by Creative Coop which celebrates the principles upon which all co-operatives are built. Can you see how proud we […]
Can co-operative deserts bloom?
Why is it that some places seem to have active, thriving co-operative scenes? What alchemy happens in those places that adds up to a varied scene of more, and better, co-ops, mutuals and community enterprises? How can we learn from those places to help other areas – your area? – to create and sustain equally […]